British Sign Language – Beginners

Birmingham Adult Education Service

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Course: Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL)

Welcome to our Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) course! This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to understand and use simple phrases in BSL, allowing them to effectively communicate in familiar situations. Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to engage in various interactive activities and exercises to enhance their understanding and proficiency in BSL.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand and communicate in simple BSL when interacting with both familiar and unfamiliar individuals.
  • Address, greet, and take leave of other BSL users.
  • Utilize fingerspelling to convey names of people and places and recognize others’ fingerspelling.
  • Employ strategies for seeking clarification in communication.
  • Ask and respond to simple questions in BSL.
  • Gain proficiency in basic number systems for telling time, expressing age, handling money, and specifying dates.
  • Request and provide relevant personal information about oneself or others.
  • Describe different modes of transportation.
  • Seek and give directions, including describing simple directions within various locations or buildings.
  • Discuss and comment on the weather.

Please note that the above topics and language functions are indicative and may be adjusted according to the specific needs and interests of the learners. Throughout the course, additional topics such as personal information, family, hobbies and interests, work and study, holidays, calendar information, transport, food and drink, public services, and the weather may be explored to further enhance learners’ language skills and broaden their knowledge of BSL.

We are excited to embark on this journey of learning BSL together. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, ensuring that every student can confidently communicate using BSL. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and expressiveness of BSL and discover the joy of connecting with others through sign language.

Please note that this course is designed for students at the introductory level of BSL proficiency.

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