Certificate in Contract Development, Negotiation & Management (CCDNM™)


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The Certified Certificate in Contract Development, Negotiation & Management (CCDNM) is an internationally recognized qualification accredited by the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) PAS Standard. This five-day interactive course is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in all aspects of the contracting process.

The course covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Establishing contract objectives and prioritizing them effectively.
  2. Effective contract negotiation and drafting.
  3. Technical and legal aspects of contract construction.
  4. Cross-cultural contract considerations within UNCITRAL and International Law.
  5. Cross-cultural negotiation from Western, Middle Eastern, and Pan-Asian perspectives.
  6. Key legal principles that underpin contracts globally.
  7. Effective contract clause construction to balance risk protection and operational benefits.
  8. Applicability of provisions and building flexibility into contracts.
  9. Complex agreements and contentious terms and conditions.
  10. Contract risk management and performance criteria setting.
  11. Standard contracts methodology and benefits.
  12. Differences in contracts for products, services, and solutions.
  13. Third-party relationships, including distribution and sub-contracting.
  14. Contractual damage clauses and their application for optimum outcomes.

The course is highly practical and interactive, designed for professionals involved in contract management, negotiation, administration, and related roles. It is suitable for contract managers, lawyers, attorneys, purchasing and supply management professionals, finance professionals, operational managers, commercial relationship managers, risk and compliance managers, and individuals who impact or are impacted by the contracting process.

Upon successful completion of the course and examination, participants will be awarded the Certificate in Contract Development, Negotiation & Management (CCDNM). This certification demonstrates expertise in managing contracts effectively on a national, regional, and global level. The course is also accredited by the CPD Standards Office, ensuring its quality and adherence to professional development standards.

The course has received recognition as a Top 10 Law & Legal Course in 2022, showcasing its excellence and popularity among learners.

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