Introduction to Contract Management

PTP Training Ltd

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In the current era of financial constraints and budget cuts, effective contract management is crucial for the success of organizations across sectors, including public, private, and voluntary sectors.

The objective of this one-day course is to equip individuals who are new to contract management roles or currently in such positions with the necessary skills to enhance their contract management abilities.

The course emphasizes strategies for addressing poor performance using common contractual remedies and implementing changes and variations through contract mechanisms. We will delve into the essential skills and knowledge required to incentivize performance in alignment with the contract specifications. Valuable practical tips and insights will be shared to empower participants to fully leverage the range of options available to drive performance and maximize value for money.

The course will showcase contract management best practices and encourage participants to contribute their own experiences to foster the development and adoption of effective contract management styles and techniques.

The Contract Management Skills Course is accessible nationwide in the UK.

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